Title: Star Trek The Next Generation Pdf The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D Illustrated Handbook (Star Trek Illustrated Handbooks)
Author: Ben Robinson
Published Date: 2019-05-21
Page: 184
From the inside flapThis volume, featuring the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC–1701–D, is a detailed, illustrated account of Captain Picard’s ship. It shows the Enterprise-D in detail, inside and out, with illustrations of all the key locations – with special features on the bridge, the transporter room and crew quarters, plus technical features on the warp drive, the holodeck and weapons and defensive systems. Technology – including phasers, tricorders and replicators – is analyzed and explained, together with auxiliary vehicles such as shuttles and the captain’s yacht.STAR TREK ILLUSTRATED HANDBOOKS is a series of books that provide in-depth profiles of the STAR TREK universe, covering a wide range of topics from individual starships to races such as the Klingons. Each full-color, heavily illustrated reference work is packed with isometric illustrations, artwork, photographs and CG renders, and features detailed technical information from official sources. Ben Robinson is best known as the man behind Eaglemoss's Official Star Trek Starships collection, which in the last three years has become the largest and best-regarded collections of model Star Trek ships ever produced. He has been involved with Star Trek for 20 years. Ben was the launch editor of the huge Star Trek Fact Files reference work, which sold over 50 million units. Then he went on to edit the US Star Trek: The Magazine, which ran between 1999 and 2003. He has co-written two Haynes Manuals, the first featuring all seven Enterprises, and the second focusing on the Klingon Bird-of-Prey. Ben is particularly passionate about the writing, design, and visual effects behind the series. In the last two decades he has conducted extensive interviews with many of the most significant figures in the history of Star Trek from Dorothy Fontana and Matt Jefferies to Michael Piller, Ira Steven Behr, Ron D. Moore, and Bryan Fuller.
The Galaxy-class U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D, presented in more detail than ever before. This deluxe hardcover of Captain Picard's Enterprise features the ship's operational history, illustrations of all the key locations including the bridge, main engineering and sickbay, equipment and auxiliary vehicles, plus explanations of the science and technology.
With isometric illustrations and technical information from official sources, this book provides an extraordinary reference guide.
STAR TREK ILLUSTRATED HANDBOOKS is a series of books that provide in-depth profiles of the STAR TREK universe, covering a wide range of topics from individual starships to races such as the Klingons. Each full-color, heavily illustrated reference work is packed with isometric illustrations, artwork, photographs and CG renders, and features detailed technical information from official sources.
A beautiful Star Trek reference book This is a gorgeous presentation of technical reference-type material for Picard's Enterprise. It's a collection of entries from the Star Trek Fact Files magazine series published from 1997 - 2002, but that's a hard publication to find these days so for most this will all be new.It reminds me of a combination of the old Starfleet Technical Manual and the Star Trek Blueprints of the 1970s, but in full color with a ton of images both original and drawn from the TV show and movies. The ship itself is covered in exhaustive detail (want to know how the Reaction Control System thrusters worked? There's two pages on that) as well as other technologies such as phasers, PADDs, the hypospray, etc.I'm looking forward to future entries covering the other ships of the fleet.Unimpressive First off, I found multiple spelling/grammatical errors which immediately turned me off.Secondly, most of the writing and descriptions are cringe. Some of it is so generic it's stupid: "The panel is where you get a read out or input information." You get much more and better details and descriptions from the Star Trek Encyclopedia (1994 ed. https://www.amazon.com/Star-Trek-Encyclopedia-Michael-Okuda/dp/0671869051).The only thing that's a positive for this book and makes it stand out from the rest are the large drawings and schematics of locations on the Enterprise-D.Boldly Illustrating The Enterprise-D The Star Trek The Next Generation: The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D Illustrated Handbook is a beautiful book. I loved the illustrations and the amount of detail that went into it. The book derives it's information from STAR TREK Fact Files that were part of STAR TREK The Magazine. I never collected or read the magazine, so this book serves me well. The book covers a lot of information, and while it isn't incredibly detailed on an engineering level, it serves it's purpose well as an illustrated guide (in my opinion). I love that this book covers just about everything from Nacelle operation, to ship uniforms, the Captain's yacht, to all of the tools used by away teams, to sub-space relays, etc. There's a lot of information to absorb and learn about how the Enterprise-D functions & operates.With regards to the publisher's use of the so-called "Big Red Sticker", it's very easy to take off. I removed mine, and placed it on the inside sleeve of the dust jacket. Thankfully the sticker doesn't leave behind any adhesive residue to mar the gorgeous dust jacket design in any way.I give the book two Vulcan hand salutes!Note: The publisher makes reference to "Design Lineage" on page 8 for all starships named Enterprise, prior to the Enterprise-D. Curiously the publisher has made illustrations and notes for two different Constitution Class Enterprises both with NCC-1701 designations and 2245 commission dates. The first illustration of Enterprise appears to be from the Discovery television series, with no notes or reference to the significant change in design at all. The Kelvin timeline Enterprise from the recent Star Trek films has been ignored completely.
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Tags: 1858755409 pdf,Star Trek The Next Generation pdf,The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D Illustrated Handbook (Star Trek Illustrated Handbooks) pdf,Ben Robinson, Marcus Riley, Rob Garrard, Ian Fullwood,Star Trek The Next Generation: The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D Illustrated Handbook (Star Trek Illustrated Handbooks),Hero Collector,1858755409,FICTION / Science Fiction / Action & Adventure,FICTION / Science Fiction / Space Exploration,Fiction,Fiction-Science Fiction,Fiction/Science Fiction - Action & Adventure,GENERAL,General Adult,PERFORMING ARTS / Film / Genres / Science Fiction & Fantasy,PERFORMING ARTS / Television / Genres / Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror,Science Fiction,sci-fi;Commander Data;Riker;Patrick Stewart;space ships;Science Fiction;Discovery;Star Trek Discovery;TV books;Star Trek TV series;space exploration;movie books;science fiction books;books science fiction;science fiction and fantasy;geek gifts;Star Trek Enterprise;Star Trek;Enterprise;Enterprise model;Star Trek original TV series;Star Trek collectibles;Star Trek Voyager;Starships;Captain Kirk;Captain Picard;Star Trek final frontier;Star Trek movies;Starfleet;Trekkies;Star Trek Next Generation,Star Trek Enterprise; Star Trek; Enterprise; Enterprise model; Star Trek original TV series; Star Trek collectibles; Star Trek Voyager; Starships; Captain Kirk; Captain Picard; Star Trek final frontier; Star Trek movies; Starfleet; Trekkies; Star Trek Next Generation; sci-fi; Commander Data; Riker; Patrick Stewart; space ships; Science Fiction; Discovery; Star Trek Discovery; TV books; Star Trek TV series; space exploration; movie books; science fiction books; books science fiction; science fiction and fantasy; geek gifts
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